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[:p@t]hfrantoine kaamelott dagonet
[:t c]hfrordinateur
[:t_faz]hfrtique sarcastique
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[:t-w:3]hfrrtruth r-truth, lunettes
[:t-w:5]hfrfoot selectionneur
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[:d t c]gle
[:ze m't]hfr
[:t_faz:3]hfrvitreux biture
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[:t_faz:8]hfroutre finkelkraut honte
[:t_faz:7]hfrtrek star respect
[:t_faz:6]hfrlaporte not
[:t_faz:5]hfrmonstre risitas
[:t_faz:10]hfrwat tasse what
[:taz]hfrtaz tazmanie
[:s t e p h]hfr
[:tay tay]hfr
[:++taz]hfrcartoon tasmanie toon taz
[:t-bird 12]hfr
[:TDS]CannetteTDS racist
[:t es vire]glefenetre tu
[:TNA]ShowtimeCDC TNA Showtime
[:tnz]hfrdent dents
[:tpb]hfrpartage piratage bittorrent torrent culture christine pirate
[:trf]hfridiot outside intel
[:tsk]Sora0333cdc tsk
[:tt1]hfrteletubbies petit tele moderation sanction tubbies
[:tt2]hfrsanction teletubbies tele moderation tubbies petit
[:tt3]hfrtele tubbies teletubbies moderation sanction petit
[:tt4]hfrsanction tinkywinky moderation tinky teletubbies petit tubbies tele
[:tyl]hfrsweat goutte
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[:tdka]hfrtoutout lent court
[:a t t i c u s]hfrcontent elegant cat cetrio chat
[:tang]hfrhonte honteux porte sortie fuit sort sortir
[:tifa]tankeyantifa antifaf FinalFantasy
LLGhtml tits
[:tldr]Epytl;dr tldr
[:e-te]hfrsalut vite memaster memaster62 excite excitation impatient
[:toad]hfrtoad nintendo
[:toll]hfrtroll pancarte doigt
[:toms]hfrgoutte sweat
[:@ttil@]hfrlunette baton batton moderation
[:toph]hfrcontent satisfaction satisfait sourit
[:trap]claudextrap star wars
[:trav_]hfrthailande trav lunettes botman stranglers thai
[:c e t r i o]hfrrevolutionaire dubitatif cetrio capitaine wait interroge thomas interrogation mention militaire interrogatif reflechit revolution
[:Tacle]finssfootball cantona carton
[:c e t r i o:2]hfrdoigts thomas capitaine cetrio correction revolutionaire revolution rectifie rectification objection doigt militaire
[:tadaa]SeeSchlossspectacle tadaa
[:tapai]hfrbaton tapai taper tape
[:taimp]hfrleflat moto victoire flat chato dent dents
[:Tesla]Krivdowvoiture chat
[:c e t r i o:4]hfrmoderation revolutionaire autorité revolution militaire respect soldat beret thomas autorite capitaine cetrio
[:tests]gleinterface systeme integration unitaire test acceptation
[:c e t r i o:3]hfrcetrio militaire thomas revolutionaire capitaine revolution
[:taraj]hfrCaptain tape
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