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[:nan dsl]fork_bomb
[:TDS]CannetteTDS racist
[:dsk was here]tankeydsk Strauss-Kahn
[:not the droids]zorel
[:j_ai des bords]SeeSchloss
[:odeur de pieds]hfr
[:the dml]hfrcomprends
[:j_ai des gros bords]nedflanders
[:double c]hfrTurgidson
[:haha dtc]proutdsk
[:j attends]tankey
[:association de mal fetards]devnewton
[:you dont say]TDS
[:je comprends]tankey
[:nomads gland]hfr
[:nomads gland:5]hfr
[:nomads gland:6]hfr
[:nomads gland:7]hfr
[:nomads gland:8]hfr
[:nomads gland:9]hfr
[:nomads gland:2]hfr
[:nomads gland:1]hfr
[:nomads gland:4]hfr
[:nomads gland:3]hfr
[:gravity eyelids]hfr
[:Major Tom et TDS]DarrenKTGTDS
[:dame de piques:2]hfrroadster
[:apprends a tirer]
[:didier frogba:2]hfrattends
[:talk to my hands]pookie
[:nomads gland:10]hfr
[:michel daerden:1]hfrdsl
[:Theorie des Cordes]
[:TDS et SuperCena]She Mamuse
[:implosion du fmi]DarrenKTGdsk
[:essuyer les pieds]Krivdow
[:Opiods and benzos]miamiplug1
[:she wants my dick]TDS
[:implosion du femur]hfrdsk
[:nothing to do here]TDS
[:la guerre des coins]Krivdowcanards
[:cuistot du commensal]hfrdsk
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